mastermind group

What is the driving force for people that participate in social media, group fitness classes, book clubs, service organizations, networking circles, neighborhood gatherings, and co-working spaces? Community.
There is untold power in belonging to something bigger than oneself, and the desire for uniting over finances is no exception. A Mastermind Group is prime territory for someone that flourishes when they can interact with a like-minded group of people that share similar financial goals and interests. It’s a space for asking questions, giving sound advice, and building a network in a setting that’s free of judgment. It’s for those who are committed to manifesting each other’s visions through camaraderie and partnership.
While Moving Mountains facilitates the meetings, these groups often take on the personality of their members – this could look like a team of primarily single moms joining forces to find affordable childcare options or several future investors interested in walking through portfolio diversification. Whatever the demographic, there is no expectation of base knowledge or experience to be a part of these communities. They will meet you wherever you are. There is simply an agreement that participants will support one another and revel in each other’s successes.